6 definitions by A_Credible_Source

Tik Tok hair is a haird-do created by teen boys on Tik Tok (e.g. Eboys, softboys, etc). The hairstyle consists of hair that looks like you've been electrified, or hair parted in the middle and straightly swooping over the eyes. These guys act like they're so hot and irresistible (e.g. by licking their lips and staring at the area seductively), when in reality, they're 15-year-old boys. Most girls obsess over these dudes. Popular examples include Jeremy Hutchins, Dom Brack, and everyone in the sway house.
Person A: *Walks in with hoodie covering hair*
Person B: "Hey... why's your good up?"
Person A: "I made a mistake... I big big mistake...I tried the Tik Tok hairstyle"
by A_Credible_Source March 9, 2022
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~ Done of the best, by the best, for the best
by A_Credible_Source December 22, 2021
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RUDD stands for Random Urban Dictionary Definition. It is what is sounds like, a random definition posted to Urban Dictionary out of boredom (hey, such as this post!).
Person A: Hey, watcha doin' later today?
Person B: Imma post a RUDD! :D
Person A: ... SICK! :D
by A_Credible_Source December 24, 2021
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A day dedicated solely for the editors at Urban Dictionary, for all the crap and bullshit they have to deal with.

Thank you for putting up with all the racist, sexist, mean, and straight up most stupidest shit you read... all for us!

Thank you for approving all those lame and cringy definitions of specific names made by people with low self-esteem!
We (we as the lonely geeks who think we're cool/hackers) love you guys, and we appreciate you (and everything you've done)! <3
Person A: Hey, how are you gonna celebrate Editor Appreciation Day?
Person B: Oh, I'm gonna stay up 'till midnight and write a whole definition saying thank you to the editors at Urban Dictionary.
Person A: ...nice!
by A_Credible_Source December 22, 2021
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People who are assumed to be lazy and/or procrastinators. However, they are the masterminds of Earth.

My Supporting Reasons:
~ Peace and quiet to focus (everyone else is asleep).
~ For all my fellow antisocial homies, no human interactions for hours! WOO HOO!
~ No distractions (i.e. media notifications, sunshine, good weather, people, sounds, etc)
~ More time to enjoy the daytime. Doing hobbies, talking to people, and just acting like a normal human beings in general!
~ Not having someone constantly peeking over your shoulder (that is, if you live with people).

In conclusion, Night owls are frickin' geniuses and deserve more credit than they are given. FYI, I'm writing this definition @3:54 A.M.
Person A: You look tired.
Person B: I am.
Person A: What time did you sleep last night?

Person B: I didn't.
Person A: Damn... you're officially a night owl.
by A_Credible_Source December 21, 2021
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A dfghgfd is a great guy. They are sweet, caring, smart, and always reliable. The name "dfghgfd" derived from the ancient civilization of Keyboardans on the land Keyboardania (hidden island on the pacific ocean).
Person A: Hi my name is dfghgfd.
Person B: Isn't "dfghgfd" just a name made up by the creator of this definition, to prove how insane Urban Dictionary name definitions are?
Person A: Yup... I betcha this definition won't make it past the Urban Dictionary editors.
Person B: Well, let's wait and see...
(Btw, I love Urban Dictionary)
by A_Credible_Source December 22, 2021
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