A person who on certain days looks hot and others does not causing you to be unsure.
Girl 1: Check out that hottie!

Girl 2: Wow he didn't look that hot yesterday!

Girl 1: Hmm, maybe its his shirt?

Girl 2: I guess he's a Maybe
by bitch ass foo5 March 23, 2010
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A woman's way of saying no when she gives false hope
Can we have sex tonight?

by Scotch Jock November 20, 2021
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A word that pisses guys off.
Guys like definate f'ing answers. Either YES OR NO not MAYBE!
by thiswebsiteisbadass January 13, 2010
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A answer used to prevent your friend from being able to actually make plans on any day they mention to you weather they be with you or someone else incase your answer were to be a no.
Loyal friend: We still hanging out friday?
You: Maybe
Loyal friend's mind: *well fuck, I may or may not have plans on Friday now, and I cannot make new plans for Friday because I don't know if my original plans are, or are not happening*
by bbt104 December 12, 2018
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A short form of maybe, that only cool people can use. Similarily, definitely can become defs, probably can become probs, and so on.
A: Are you going to the show?
B: Maybs, I hafta find some money. I probs have some in the car.
A: Well hurry up, we should defs get going.
by -dH- August 30, 2005
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a son by the ink spots made popular by the fallout franchise
Maybe you'll think of me
When you are all alone
Maybe the one who is waiting for you will prove untrue
Then what will you do
Maybe you'll sit and sigh
Wishing that I were near, then
Maybe you'll ask me to come back again
And maybe I'll say maybe

May be you'll think of me
When you are all alone
Maybe the one who is waiting for you will prove untrue
Then what will you do
Maybe you'll sit and sigh
Wishing that I were near, then
Maybe you'll ask me to come back again
And maybe I'll say maybe
by qwertyuiop[]\QWERTYUIOP{}| March 22, 2022
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