a glam

a glam is the new age trendy. we have to create a new meaning for it as the CHAVS have managed to wiggle their way into trendy and make it their own, so from now on A GLAM is someone who is chic, dresses well, and has good taste in ...wel ... EVERYTHING!!
hey she must be a trendy
nah man she aint a chav, shes A GLAM
by Pia & Ashley August 14, 2005
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A movement that which erupted in the 1970s promoting vanity, copiousness, surreality, narcissism, campness and hauteur. A spin-off of the word 'glamourous.'
"Glam is about femme girls and femme boys and girls who look like femme boys and boys who like like butch girls."

Glam individuals usually dress in outrageous fashion: jumpsuits, 3-inch platform space boots and heavy amounts of makeup.

David Bowie was best known for his involvement in the Glam Movement of the 1970s.
by Jackie Deram May 25, 2005
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Pink,Glitter,and girly stuff,mostly SPARKELY AND PRETTY STUFF!!!
by HeyImGamerKitt February 23, 2017
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the art of celebrating all things beautiful, superficial. Marvelous, fabulous, imperfect, unserious.

A type of person, usually heavily involved in the glam rock movement of the 1970s.

by 20century_toy March 12, 2004
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Rock subgenre that began in the 70s in Britain and later spread to the US, becoming huge in the 80s. Glam rock is very different from the poseur "hair bands"(Slaughter, Winger, Trixter.)The scene was ended by the Seattle grunge movement although some bands have reunited.
70s glam= Slade, T-Rex, Mott The Hoople
80s glam= Twisted Sister, Hanoi Rocks, Motley Crue
by darkangel82 July 12, 2005
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glittery, shimmery, chic and imperfect
glam is, by nature, inaccesable to the masses... it is an esoteric art twisted and manipulated by so many and understood by so few, rant rant rant
by mayura October 24, 2003
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Glam is simply ALL things Adam Lambert!!! <3
Adam Lamberts is all about his glam and glitter!
by Glambert4EverDH October 9, 2011
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