A gay fish is someone who simply doesn't get it. This person may believe that they are an expert on a topic ( and in some cases they may actually be) however more often than not they will just be feigning intelligence in order to look more important.
Sarah: I am an expert on foreign policy because I can see Russia from my house!

Joe: Damn, the female gay fish.
by Captain Caveman III September 22, 2009
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One who President Obama would call "a jack ass". He is typically the biggest dick at the party. He makes loud, terrible noises, and sells these noises for way more money than they are worth. He resents anyone who doesn't believe he is the voice of this generation, of this decade. He speaks terrible English, but thinks he is a genius. He is a douche, and a douche bag.

He is about to get his ass kicked by someone like Jay Z or Taylor Swift.

A gay fish is also someone who hates Carlos Mencia.

Someone who everyone can hate.
Guy: Hey man, look at that gay fish! Isn't he the dumbest genius you've ever seen.

Man: Yea guy. I hate that guy. He must be a gay fish for sure.

Guy: He must like putting fish sticks in his mouth.

Man: Yea
by guy buddy friend September 18, 2009
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word associated with Kanye west from a southpark episode or Cam Fish
by Frankenstein Rockafella May 21, 2009
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Word Derived From South Park
1)Do You Like Fish sticks?

2)Love Em'

1)So you like putting fish sticks in your mouth?

2)All deh time

1)Then your a gay fish.
by Luke147258 May 1, 2009
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Someone who's ego is out of control. Examples include: Kanye West, Bono, and your best friend.
"Hey, what's wrong with him today?"

>>"Oh, he's just a gay fish."

"Oh, OK."
by southparkrox October 13, 2009
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