A very flexible word holding a positive connotation. Used mostly as a substitute to the word yes. A sure sign of approval when used correctly.
-"Do you like my shoes?"
by J.K. Rice-ing May 25, 2018
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the modern interpretation of the word "yeet", with a sprinkle of the implication indicating "yes"
"do you like my shoes?"
by J.K. Rice-ing May 17, 2018
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A verb used to describe the state of complexity presented by consuming lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). The word itself signifies the idea of making sense to all that encompasses the world. It's Zurp; the energy the holds us together, the force, the power of life, the truth to existence.

It's often used to replace the verb "to fry".
"Hey Suzie, why are you acting so weird?"
".... Oh...I'm Zurpified!"

As I lay there staring at the birds fading into the distance, I suddenly Zurped into action and instantaneously received 1000 realizations.
by BeamingLight June 6, 2009
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to smoke weed sercretly or in a secretive manner preferrably in the shade so smoke isnt as visible and the risk of being caught or busted is less.
find a cut, or just zurp in the shade,
by Lordizzle November 5, 2006
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All of the bad words combined together... can be used in any context. The sign for "zurp you" is not the middle finger but the pinky finger.
What the zurp!?
Zurp you!
Go zurp yourself!
Wow, you look so fucking zurpy today!
Shut the zurp up, you mother zurper!!
by diggity May 7, 2005
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Contraction of sizzurp. See sizzurp.
Wipin' my ass with Vibe and Urb/
Can't read that shit, fucked on zurp.
by Klang Klangston January 16, 2004
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Zurp comes from the word ''zur''. This is much like the word yup. however yup is a muffin fucking, son of a crack whore, loser. Where zur is a cool britsh, son of a slut, cupcake fucker. The ''p'' was added due to the line in "lollipop '.....jerp jerp.....berp berp.." because zurp is rarely used alone. Zurp is also used like 'yeah'
Sergio "hey did u like the movie?"
Kat "zurp zurp"
by kittyxXxcolor July 16, 2009
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