yorkie: jojo?
jojo: yorkie?
yorkie: hiiiiiii!
another example:
yorkie: i thought i was your best friend?
jojo: no, you're my second best friend!
yorkie: i guess i am just a kid in a fat kid's body...
by freygeothewhy January 18, 2021
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Yorkie, a nickname given to a breed of dog called a Yorkshire Terrier.
by lordpestilence January 15, 2005
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Yorkie is the nickname for Yorkshire Terriers, a small breed of dog. Yorkies are of the toy category, weighing usually anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds. They often have a long, black and tan coat. These dogs do not shed and are excellent for owners with allergies.

Yorkies are usually very intelligent dogs, although they can be dominant. Yorkies make excellent lap dogs, but they will want plenty of attention and most are very dependant on their owners.

Sidney adopted the cutest Yorkie from the SPCA yesterday, he always loved Yorkshire Terriers.
by Miss Misfit March 9, 2007
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My cat killed and ate a $1,500 yorkie, he has very expensive tastes.
by benth February 6, 2010
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Bloody right-arsed Yorkies never buy the first round.
by slartibarfast November 19, 2016
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Yorkie - to have a poo
He stopped off for a Yorkie
by Lynch_um January 8, 2021
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A seven pound dog rich girls carry around in their purse
Guy1:That girl is so hot! I can tell she is rich.
Guy1:Because she is carrying her yorkie in her purse.
by Baileythegr8 November 12, 2015
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