someone who goes out to the courtyard during lunch
"hey sarah, wanna go out to the courtyard?"
"ew no, i'm not a yardy"
by rachiebear October 20, 2006
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a reference to friends, used in jail or prison. people who spent time in jail or prison together.
"These are my yardys."
by Monica February 29, 2004
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An expression used to define an event or action in a awesome/fun way. It can also mean a hard crash
(goes drifting in a car) "Bro, that was yardy."
by Bigdickniko January 18, 2017
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Person 1: Yoo whats good?
Person 2: Yoo I'm good what about you?
Person 1: Yoo im chilling but yardy know what's good at my place friday night????
by DJSWAGGIE October 21, 2015
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when you get really drunk and you can't keep control of your head so it wobbles about like the churchill dog
Ian was that drunk he started "doing a yardy"
by Ian Ian Ian May 13, 2013
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A yardi is a lad that wears shirts with the collar buttoned down and normally greyish coloured trowsers, and he would be wearing Rockport shoes.
"A up, look at that yardi over there!"
by Abz_Da_Fit_1 June 28, 2005
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