X Games means when someone does something crazy or is crazy.
by Meme Squad March 29, 2018
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X-Games is like the Olympics of action sports. Only the best make it and have a shot at the gold. X Game events include Freestyle MX, Skateboarding Best Trick, MX best trick, BMX and skateboard Big Air, street skating, surfing, Moto X step Up,Rallie Car Racing, BMX vert and park, and Supermoto. Some X Game hereos are Travis Pastrana, Dave Mirra, Tony Hawk, Brian Deegan, and Shawn White. X Games has a 13 year history and plays on ESPN every August
Hey Chelsee, wanna go watch the X-Games?
Man! I can't believe Travis Pastrana pulled off the double backflip at X Games!
by TEENY #4 November 21, 2006
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X games mode is when you or someone else does something that’s very rare or you’ve never seen in your life. It doesn’t always have to be a crazy skateboard trick or anything either. When you go x games mode your doing something that’s unusual but kinda tuff and funny at the same time.
Some kid zooming through the school in heelys:
Me: oh maw gawd!.. he on x games mode

Your dog falls of your bed and flips and still lands on his feet:
Me: oh maw gawd!.. he on x games mode

Your friend makes a stupid ass song for a science project but it’s lowkey fire but at the same time not:

Me: oh maw gawd!.. he on x games mode
by Dboss1121 January 18, 2020
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Math problems that are made easier due to your extensive knowledge of sick tricks, such as 360's, 720's, 900's made famous by crazy mother-fuckers such as Shaun White, Tony Hawk, Jamal Smith, Ellen Degenaras.
Deblock: Fuck what is 360x3?

Wojick: its 1080, you douchebag!!!

Paul: Do you not watch the X-Games you fucking queer. Learn your X-Games Math
by West Milly Wagnerfuckers May 26, 2010
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X games mode is when someone’s really good at skateboarding... or not.. one could always use it when being sarcastic. Idk I saw it on a vine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh my goid... oh my goid, he on X Games Mode...”
by Fandomfreak January 6, 2018
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crackhead , being high, being stupid, being a dumbass, etc.
Bob: is an orange an orange because it’s orange or is it a orange?
Billy: boi you on x games mode
by i’m already tracer January 12, 2019
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A popular phrase used among the extreme sports community, specifically in skateboarding and BMX. it is mainly used in relation to pulling of a trick that requires the same mindset that an X Games Athlete would have during competition, for example, a backflip.
James: "Willy's bouta go X Games Mode for this 720 frontflip!"
Travis: "Let's see it Willy, Send it!"
by That Scooter kid you hate July 18, 2020
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