Wokstar is the coolest mother fucker in the world! #s-gaming mother! HAHA GO WOKSTAR
When im scrimming, and things get gay, i just pull my pants down, and do the wokstar way.
by Cam, the original wokstar February 25, 2005
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"wok wok wokkkkk!"

"wok wok wokkity wok wok"

Q: whats pats favorite song?
A: now wok it out!

Q: how does pat help cure disease?
A: he woks to cure diabetes!
by ERINN & NATALIE April 10, 2008
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extrodinarily bad. Something that doesn't perform the way it was intended
by Bam June 29, 2004
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proper spelling of city wok from south park, run by the pugnatious owner, and only chinamen in south park
herro wercome to shitty wok, herpa taka orda prease

oh yeah can i get the ummmm... the ummmmm...

you want a da shitty chicken, da shitty beef, shitty shrimp, how about da shitty pork, very good.
by teabagger shitness January 17, 2009
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Both a compliment and an insult of the highest calibre. It is either the greatest or the worst thing you can think of
Kane: Are you an anthropomorphic wok?
Euan: wtf no
by wrenk December 20, 2021
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The cheap, fast, and nasty Chinese-food places found on every block in NYC.
Those chicken wings from the ghetto wok last night gave me the shits.
by hatchback January 20, 2005
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When a co-worker goes to get Chinese food at lunch and doesn't ask anyone if they want any.
Johnny wok blocked and snuck out to get fried rice without letting us put an order in.
by SDNX July 22, 2009
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