
Out of breath.
#1: I just got back from the gym, man. I am so winded.

#2: I see that, can I get you some water?

#1: Yeah, that should help me catch my breath.
by Octo Dad March 27, 2010
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Breathing hard, and having a shortness of breath after hitting a vape that contains a high nicotine content.
After hitting Brad’s Juul In Mr. Smith’s Class I was winded af.
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 3, 2019
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1. caught off guard
2. the feeling you get after being blown by the wind
1. I was winded by the personal question she asked me.
2. I felt winded by the strong gusty wind while waiting for the bus in the cold.
by jackarmooyolshir March 28, 2008
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Mistaken for running out of breath or

"Getting the wind k.o. Of you"

But is actually a proper for blow job
Tim: Bro Tiffany Winded me bro
by Hopefulkm February 8, 2017
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in the wind

Where's your boyftiend?

I dunno, in the wind
by F.J. October 29, 2006
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in the wind

Once he heard popo had a warrant on him, he was in the wind.
by katchoo June 28, 2006
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The third element used to summon Captain Planet.


By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!
by Captain Planet Summoner January 27, 2005
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