22 definitions by Chad Wellington the 3rd

A game that can save or cripple the halo series.

Halo Infinite is being developed by 343 industries and takes place after the events of halo 5 guardians.

As seen at e3 2018, halo infinite features the iconic art style that halo fans love. The music that played during the trailer was nostalgic,and gave the viewers a sense of hope.
What will ruin the game is the advanced mobility that was seen in the previous title, and Microtransactions such as Req Packs.

The game’s release date is unknown as of now, but many people believe it to release Fall 2019, or Fall 2020.
Halo Infinite gives me hope for the future
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 3, 2019
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An extremely overweight and unattractive person who has a bad temper that when triggered will destroy anything in their path with a simple body slam.
Boogie is such a Death Star
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 4, 2019
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A weirdly attractive actor who doesn’t scream Brad Pitt Handsome, but is Handsome in his own way. He’s someone that is way out of your league, but isn’t far from the societal norm. He’s sorta like that good looking middle aged man that was your neighbor. See Sexly
Hank Azaria is fine af
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 4, 2019
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Used When a person is named Joe (usually a male, but there are females named Joe) who is attractive, and cannot fall into the Average Joe stereotype because their looks exceed the average person.
Thot 1: Omg that dude Joe in our Bio class is cute af, I would make out with him in front of my friends just to brag ;)
Thot 2: Omg yasss he’s what we call an Above Average Joe
Both Thots: Sighhhh he sooo cute awww
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 26, 2019
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Someone who isn’t necessarily built or thick but their face is very very attractive in a cute way.

What separates adorable from cute is that adorable people make you smile with their good looks, smile,personality,innocence, and their laugh that just makes you warm and fuzzy inside. If someone is adorable they are very cute, but they also have that IT FACTOR that makes you go Awww!!
Emma Watson is very Adorable despite her being an SJW
by Chad Wellington the 3rd January 3, 2019
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