When you miss a goal from directly infront of the goal. Or when you miss a open goal. Basically, you're shit at the game.
by shankandwank November 3, 2019
The act of stabbing someone with a shank. Comes from the word shank which is a crude knife usually made in prison, a homemade knife-like weapon usually made from a spoon.
by N/A December 14, 2003
shanked, shank.
orgin: prison slang
shanked: to be stabbed with a homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.
orgin: prison slang
shanked: to be stabbed with a homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.
by Lec2 February 9, 2003
shank, shanked
orgin: prison slang
A homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.
to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
orgin: prison slang
A homemade knife.
made out of scrap of metal found anywhere and sharpend like a knife. and bottom tightly wrapped with a cloth as a handle.
to be stabbed by a homemade knife.
by Lec2 February 9, 2003
by alisonturnurbrai May 21, 2008
Thomas: Hey I just ran into the maze to save you Minho
Minho: Bloody Shank...
Thomas: Hi Newt
Newt: Hey shank
Minho: Bloody Shank...
Thomas: Hi Newt
Newt: Hey shank
by LimeSky_ March 10, 2016