A term describing a face that has been ravaged by poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, and a general lack of hygeine. Commonly seen in low-income areas throughout the world. Major features often include "smoker's lines," beady eyes, stringy hair, and thin lips.

Sufferers are commonly seen using child support to buy cigarettes, working the checkout lane at 10 pm, and flipping out at walmart.

A step down from meth face.
Dude, ever since your girlfriend lost all her teeth, she's got total white trash face.

I know man, I don't know why I had seven kids with her.
by Frankie Cocke May 16, 2011
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The signature facial expression white people use to express that they dont necessary agree with something but acknowledge it, rather than verbally expressing their disdain.
Every time I walk through the mall the rich white ladies be giving me the white-people face cause my girl is white.
by BlackHorse76 February 22, 2021
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A female that wears copious amounts of make-up that is as thick as pancake batter. Often wears so much usually to cover a bad acne condition, or to erase the mutilating effects of a face lift gone bad. These women are often afraid of any aging appearance so they try to look 22 years old for the next 45 years. By the time they are 80 years old they look like "talking skulls" or a morticians nightmare.
Middle age guy: Wow! Did you see that middle age gal over there? She looks great for her age. Is she single again?

Teenager: Yeah that's my great grandmother. Shes had 8 face lifts. Shes 84 years old with a "white trash face" from her recent surgery.

Middle age guy: I could take her to the Lawrence Welk Show reunion concert this weekend.
by HubbaDubba February 28, 2014
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the act of covering someone's face with so much semen that it resembles a blanket of yogurt
"Hey Tommy what did you do last night?"

"well I hooked up with this girl from the internet. She looked kinda busted but she gobbled my man thermos then I gave her the white yogurt face blanket."
by billy trinkets June 11, 2004
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When you get your faced pushed into snow resulting in your face having a layer of white snow covering it.

-Not to be confused with the alternative definition for white face (having a jizz covered face).*
*Definitions can be used simultaneously if you really don't like someone
That little douche is about to get white-faced if he doesn't give me his lunch money.
by chuckinDeuces November 22, 2010
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White Face is when you do Black Face but instead of being all edgy according to BBC, you pretend to be white by throwing baking soda and flour all over your face.
Bob: Do you want to do black face for Halloween?

Bill: Nah, that's to edgy. Instead let's do White face since THAT is PC and socially acceptable!
by KingBob2016 September 10, 2017
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It is considered racist and you have to pay Brogan 5$ everytime ur racist doing white face
"I will be white faced since I'm black" Tommy says

"Your racist you know" George says
by Brogan is best October 4, 2021
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