by flatypus March 14, 2021
by flourenzosabez April 10, 2018
A hivemind comprising 3 geniuses, all united under the D!NG project, you may be asking, is Vsauce an actual sauce? Maybe. You may also be asking, how can I experience this 'Vsauce'? Well watching Vsauce is something you can Do, !Online Now Guys.
by armageddon ham September 15, 2020
The single reason why YouTube hasn't been named the most moronic place on the web. vsauce brings some much needed science and class to such a place of stupidity.
Tom: Hey did you watch the new vsauce video?
George: Yeah those Mind Blow videos are so interesting.
Tom: vsauce is the only reason I go on YouTube.
George: Same here.
George: Yeah those Mind Blow videos are so interesting.
Tom: vsauce is the only reason I go on YouTube.
George: Same here.
by Nuclear Donut July 7, 2011
An awesome educational youtube channel created by Michael Stevens. Thanks to this bearded genius, you learn many mind-blowing and intriguing facts about our universe. A shame that I have not discovered this channel sooner.
Guy#1: Dude, I love vsauce. The videos are very interesting and thought-provoking.
Guy#2: Indeed, maybe there's hope for humanity after all.
Guy#2: Indeed, maybe there's hope for humanity after all.
by Wake Up February 9, 2013