The person that counters painis cupcake in the game team fortress 2. although a parody, it is still hilarious.
The Vagineer and Painis Cupcake made a cumsplosion! -A commenter on youtube
by DiscoveringKids October 17, 2010
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1. More awesome than awesome.
2. Too fabulous for words.
3. Extremely intensely amazing.
1. My birthday was so vaginal, I just want to repeat it every single day for the rest of my life!
2. Harry and Ron's wedding was simply vaginal, and seeing them happy was the best part of it.
3. I had the most unquestionably vaginal night--it was like I'd died and gone straight to heaven, bro!
by DumbledoreLivesOn June 26, 2011
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(slang) n. (Va-jin-a-shun)

1. A large gathering of attractive, scantily clad females in a public place.

2. Every female member of the population of a given nation.

3. The opposite of a sausage party/sausage fest.
"My wolf pack and I were hanging at Liam's last night, and all of a sudden, the entire vagination showed up."
by THE Double D January 14, 2010
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The act of becoming pussy-whipped to the point of no recognition.
"Doug was going to come out with us tonight, but he's too vaginalized."

by Ron B March 17, 2008
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When a person breaks out in Sores that look like vaginas, they get more numerous until that person becomes just one big giant pussy.

Generally caught when a man acts so much like a pussy it causes him to catch the infections.
Dude, if he doesn't want to go one that Roller coaster he must have Vaginitis
by Southparkiscool August 26, 2009
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1.) The illness of acting like a pussy in the instance of fun.
2.) associated with or related to the instance when someone acts scared to perform an act.
3.) the time period during a woman's menstal cycle when she, can't make decision, yells alot, and/or refuses to have sex with her partner.
So, it looks like Brigette is suffering from vaginalitis today, we asked her to go to the Chicas Bonitas stip club and make it rain for Maria my half pregnant friend, but she won't go.

My balls are about to burst, Euclid, my girlfriend has been suffering from vaginalitis for 3 weeks and won't empty my clogged pipe of man-juice.
by Airpace January 17, 2010
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to stow items in one's vagina in an effort to hide item from authorities or others
Katherine vaginated the drugs while law enforcement searched the house for drugs and weapons.
by Lela Loo Dumas July 26, 2017
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