The act of putting your foot inside another person's asshole. It's like your wearing a large ugly but warm boot
by RJComedian January 19, 2023
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These horrendous boots are only one part of the outfit worn by boring wealthy suburban girls. They are typically accompanied by tight fitting jeans, a hoodie sweatshirt, and a North Face fleece over top of the sweatshirt. Sweatpants are sometimes seen instead of the jeans.

Most likely the said individual will be spotted leaving the mall headed towards their Lexus SUV adorned with bumper stickers for their dumb field hockey team and for the Outer Banks of North Carolina, or another popular vacation destination.
That girl over there must be from the burbs. Shes wearing the official uniform of Ugg boots, Sweats, and North Face.
by mushumushu April 11, 2009
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The name says it all. Some really UGGly boots that come in all different colors. Commonly worn with 4 inch skirts by girls with close to zero self-esteem.
Hey Jenny, those are some nice boots. What, are you going mountain climbing after school?
by Andrea February 19, 2005
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a type of boot invented by australia made from sheep skin. should be worn for warmth in the comfort of your own home, SHOULD NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER BE WARN FOR FUCKING FASHION.
stupid chick : Hahaha, look at my new billabong ugh boots

by Liam McSpazitron July 18, 2005
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n. hideously unattractive footwear named after the mind-possesing ugg gnomes living inside the thick material who convince girls that the boots actually look good with skirts
Yeah, she's wearing that tiny skirt in a blizzard but her ugg boots totally pull the outfit together.
by Evel February 16, 2005
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The ugliest boots imaginable, and they are also usually very expensive. Often worn with pleated mini skirts and polo shirts.

Pronounced in a caveman-esque fashion.

Stay away from them. If you come within ten feet, their ugliness will stick to you.
"What are you wearing?"
"No-- stay away--"
by Clare April 7, 2005
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