Two Pump Chump

A person incapable of lasting for more than two pelvic thrusts during copulation, i.e. Crunk. Crunk. Sploitch.

"Guy is a two pump chump... the only time he can keep it up for longer than 45 seconds is flogging his dog in the bath."
by KHD August 3, 2003
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Two Pump Chump

A man who can not handle sexual interaction for a long period of time. Resulting in premature ejaculation.
Son of a Bitch Cheryl, that guy last night was a two pump chump.

My girlfriend dumped me because I am a two pump chump.

Allan is such a loser. I blew him for like 30 seconds before he came. He's a two pump chump.
by ObviousDailyLingo January 26, 2016
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Two Pump Chump

One who enters the pussy without sufficient stamina to contain the nut butter for more than a few pumps.
by Jesus January 18, 2003
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two pump chump

A male who prematurely ejaculates
"Dave M, is such a two pump chump. that he blows his load before he even see the gold,"
by Spanish Lighting September 28, 2009
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Two-Pump Chump

1) when having sex and you only get it in twice before you done!!!!//// Two-Pump!!!!
haaa!!! Alex Nelson is a Two-Pump Chump
by The Twin December 28, 2010
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Two pump chump

Any douche who thinks he's got skillz, only to dump his stuff two pumps into it...
"Man, Ashley and I were gettin' it on, she stripped her shirt off, and I dumped my load in my drawers...."
by Chumper December 29, 2004
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Number two-pump-chump

A two-pump-chump who looses his load almost immediately when he fucks a girl's tight asshole.

See Also: Two-pump-chump
You're a number two pump chump John. I know this 'cause you reek of asshole and disappointment.

I let him do me in the ass for the first time and it turns out the fucker is a number two-pump-chump!
by Julie is Queen March 14, 2008
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