This is akin to the blumpkin. You have her complete the blumpkin, then yell "Tsunami", and you shove her gooed up face into the recently frequented toilet.
by Bob February 21, 2005
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When a man cums in his hand after sex and slaps his partner in square in the face.
by C-Rain on 'em October 9, 2009
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One of the ocean's deadliest and flashiest weapons in its continuing war on humanity.

The ocean rises up and sends a sweeping wall of itself onto land, killing as many people as it can. The forefront of this assault is called a tsunami.
The ocean must be held accountable for these blatant displays of aggression.
by Ocean Truth Society March 2, 2005
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A series of waves in a body of water (ocean, sea, lake, etc) that wreaks havoc on the coastlines of said body of water. Caused by displacement of the water, like throwing a rock into a pond; mostly caused by earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, the occasional asteroid/comet, anything that disrupts the water.
Unlike ordinary waves, tsunami waves act more like shock waves from an explosion; they affect the whole water column from the surface to the sea floor and in the open sea travel as fast as an airliner. In deep water, they hardly look different from normal waves, but as they approach the shore they slow down, their energy is compressed, and they turn into monsters: the water often drains from the beach, exposing the sea floor and stranding boats and sea animals (people should know that this is a warning to run like hell for high ground); then the first of a series of increasingly huge waves batter the coastline and sweep people inland, one wave coming in just as the previous one is draining away; finally, the waves drain back to sea, dragging debris and people with them and leaving the coast a mass of wreckage.
The Japanese are regularly visited by tsunami. The evidence for this is the word itself, which means "harbor wave" in Japanese, referring to the great damage that the waves do to ports (among other things). But even the Japanese are taken by surprise; the 2011 Tokohu earthquake and tsunami proved tsunami barriers useless (many of the 15,000 victims died because of a false sense of security) and nearly created the next Chernobyl.
The Minoan civilization on Crete was severely crippled by many tsunami around 1600 BC when Thera (Santorini) blasted itself 20 miles into the sky.
by RuddyWriter March 9, 2016
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A rippling motion starting from the boobs downwards towards the genitals, causing a semi erect penis to ripple too. this causing immense pleasure for the receiver, as well as an instinctual wave of extra cum when the fat guy finishes up.
by Xjudge September 15, 2009
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When you piss everywhere in a bathroom
"Man, we that bathroom was hit by a triple tsunami, the walls and floors were full of piss!"

"Let's go tsunami"
by Brian February 20, 2005
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