A hoe who gets fucked by a lot of guys at once.
Channing got a train run on her last night.
by Bigdaddynoenoe October 14, 2017
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Big metal thing on smaller metal things
by Jœn June 19, 2020
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A line of men having intercourse, connected by penis to ass. The conductor, or man in the back, controls the speed while the front controls the direction of the train. As one ejaculates, he will exit the train. May involve train sounds.
by TrainEngine November 18, 2011
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John: How are you getting to the party?

Jack: Dude, im training it.
by Patsta44 November 9, 2010
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Where a usually slutty girl, often drunk, gives it up to a somewhat large number of guys, one after another after another. Metaphorically speaking, the girl is like a urinal, just instead of urine, the guys using her are relieving themselves a little differently.
Guy 1: We're running trains on these girls in the bedroom.
Guy 2: Can I get in on that?
by amadhatter53 October 11, 2005
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