A: "Oh, shit, the cops just pulled up. We gotta go tell Josh."
B: "Nah, fuck that shit, man. Josh is a bitch. Let's just training day the motherfucker and get the hell out of here."
X: "Dude, you know that girl who stood me up last month?"
Y: "Yeah, what about her?"
X: "I just gave her the wrong address to my house. Bitch is gonna knock on some random door and get training day'd as fuck, man. hahaha"
B: "Nah, fuck that shit, man. Josh is a bitch. Let's just training day the motherfucker and get the hell out of here."
X: "Dude, you know that girl who stood me up last month?"
Y: "Yeah, what about her?"
X: "I just gave her the wrong address to my house. Bitch is gonna knock on some random door and get training day'd as fuck, man. hahaha"
by Proboterror October 11, 2010
The act of shooting someone or someone being shot hundreds of times at a high rate of fire, causing the victim to flail his/her arms violently.
Man I just saw a gang shoot out around the corner. This guy got training day-ed by an AK-47. He looked like a rag doll.
by DJ Valentine June 3, 2008
The easiest day challenge ever. It's the day of March 24th where it's illegal to post or watch train animations. Even though these animations are not as common as Vietnamese, Spanish, Arabic or Russian videos you weren't asking for. Whoever makes or watches train animations during this challenge is sus and will get voted out
by ThatTrainAnimationH8er October 15, 2021
by God If He Was Straight December 11, 2021
Mega Training Day
A collaborative training event model which originated from a Family Law Pathways Network. Now implemented Australia wide.
The training is based on realistic case study of a separating family.
Trainees are Front Line workers in the Family Law System.
A wide range of organisations that provide services to families present information in an expo style to address the needs of the case study family.
Trainees are faciliated through an experiental, interactive learning experience in small, multi-disciplinary groups.
At the event relationships are built across services and the outcome is better referrals for separating families.
Some Networks also run Mini-Mega Days, a scaled down version of the idea.
A collaborative training event model which originated from a Family Law Pathways Network. Now implemented Australia wide.
The training is based on realistic case study of a separating family.
Trainees are Front Line workers in the Family Law System.
A wide range of organisations that provide services to families present information in an expo style to address the needs of the case study family.
Trainees are faciliated through an experiental, interactive learning experience in small, multi-disciplinary groups.
At the event relationships are built across services and the outcome is better referrals for separating families.
Some Networks also run Mini-Mega Days, a scaled down version of the idea.
The Mega Training Day model can be used as a basis for in-house, collaborative training involving many different organisations and types of roles. It has much better outcomes than a simple expo event.
by Jasmine Linton October 31, 2006
A collaborative training event model which originated from a Family Law Pathways Network. Now implemented Australia wide.
The training is based on realistic case study of a separating family.
Trainees are Front Line workers in the Family Law System.
A wide range of organisations that provide services to families present information in an expo style to address the needs of the case study family.
Trainees are faciliated through an experiental, interactive learning experience in small, multi-disciplinary groups.
At the event relationships are built across services and the outcome is better referrals for separating families.
Some Networks also run Mini-Mega Days, a scaled down version of the idea.
The training is based on realistic case study of a separating family.
Trainees are Front Line workers in the Family Law System.
A wide range of organisations that provide services to families present information in an expo style to address the needs of the case study family.
Trainees are faciliated through an experiental, interactive learning experience in small, multi-disciplinary groups.
At the event relationships are built across services and the outcome is better referrals for separating families.
Some Networks also run Mini-Mega Days, a scaled down version of the idea.
The Mega Training Day model can be used as a basis for in-house, collaborative training involving many different organisations and types of roles. It has much better outcomes than a simple expo event.
by Jasmine Linton October 12, 2006