3 definitions by Proboterror

shorthand for "don't masturbate while my back is turned."
Tommy, you know I hate having my back showered by ejaculate. For the last time, DMWMBIT!
by Proboterror June 1, 2010
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when a girl goes down the shaft and stays 'til Christmas
Oh, Randy, you're so noble and if you carry out your cause, I'll give you a Chilean Miner.
by Proboterror September 3, 2010
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leaving someone in an undesirable situation and letting him fend for himself
A: "Oh, shit, the cops just pulled up. We gotta go tell Josh."
B: "Nah, fuck that shit, man. Josh is a bitch. Let's just training day the motherfucker and get the hell out of here."

X: "Dude, you know that girl who stood me up last month?"
Y: "Yeah, what about her?"
X: "I just gave her the wrong address to my house. Bitch is gonna knock on some random door and get training day'd as fuck, man. hahaha"
by Proboterror October 11, 2010
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