A Nice piece of crystal meth shaped like a real tooth (usually a large animals or shark), with a diluted but clear color.
There is no cut in that tooth we just smoked!
by Dr. Babb Tooth June 14, 2006
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noun; plural: teeth

1. a. A bonehead-like person, or seemingly cool person acting in a bonehead manner. Typically found at a party, social gathering or event, where an audience is present, surrounded by a layer of bigger teeth.

b. A similar person, acting in tooth-like manner. Someone who simply is not cool.

2. A "cock-blocker."

Word History: from the root, rocktooth, or toothface -- a derivative of rockface.
"I'm not going to Rice's party, there's gonna be a ton of teeth there!"

"Why were there so many teeth at Colin's last night?"

"Domingo was being such a tooth."
by Toothy McJoothy June 2, 2006
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Yo, that bitch just totally toothed yo' hat
by Amy Mills August 20, 2006
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"toothing" is a joke started by some English news report. run a search and check it out. it's not real.
let's go toothing and meet some slutty geeks, m-kay?
by vegatables December 19, 2005
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To connect to a device via bluetooth.
James's PDA tooths to his phone, then to the internet.
by Raubritter January 25, 2006
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Short form for "toothpick" aka. a skinny broad.

Some one who is really skiiny and it makes you sick/jelous
Julia wears a size zero pant, she's a tooth!!!
by Jennifer Dawn March 25, 2008
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A large white rectangular slab of calcium portrusive from the mandable. Often associated with gingivitis and gum decay. Normally not secured and wiggly when speaking. Stained.
The Tooth is here.... "hey tooth what's up?"
by Trev8888888 August 10, 2017
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