Two-guy place of residence. A "Two-Guyer" apartment or house
"Hey bro, lets move to NYC and get a Toog together"
by JohnStamos November 25, 2012
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Toog is an east-london slang term for the world 'ugly'. Pronounced as 'tuugg'
That girl is toog.
She looks toog.
by L.E.D October 28, 2015
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Toog- to alarm,
I hate to toog you but i have ran over your cat.
by mudufoka October 31, 2010
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Have you tried Tooging it?

Give it a Toog.
Toog that printer for me Karen.
by TheHRW May 14, 2019
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Verb - When one is involved in the process of partying and dancing.
Noun - a party
Adjective - similar to lit when describing a party
Can be used in past, present, or in anticipation of a party.
Yo let's go toogs-toogs at the club tonight ni%^a!

That party was so toogs last night!!
by The toogs April 9, 2017
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the act of slipping into an elevatoog as the doors are closing. This is typically done by the top 5% who believe their time is worth more than everyone else's. Once you start, you can't stop; it's an addiction.
"Did I just see you jay tooging"
"I will not tolerate jay tooging in MY elevatoog! Get the f*ck out!"
"Hey, wanna go jay tooging?"
"Do you know why I pulled you over son?
Son: no
We have on your record 47 attempts of 1st degree jay tooging"
"Well blow me down skip, your a jay tooger!"
"Never thought I'd talk to a wanted jay tooger"
"I lost my jay tooging license, can I borrow yours?"
"What are you in for?

jay tooging"
by anotherAlex154 November 12, 2018
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