Term used for a person who thinks they are somewhat superior to other people.
Tim R is too cool for school, look at his Warrick Cappa shoes!
by Ben April 5, 2005
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Someone who feels they are above everyone for not joining facebook or someone who is afraid their drunken debauchery will be caught by a college and ruin their life. Can also be used to describe that one friend who hasn't updated their facebook status in over a month to give the appearance of being "oh so busy and popular" despite facebook stalking random girls he requested daily.
Nick: hey broski get a facebook so you can see all the chicks commenting on how hot you were in the football game
Myer: my ego won't let me get a facebook, its telling me I'm way too cool for it
Nick: cool. *he's too cool for facebook I wish my ego was that big*
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 22, 2010
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When someone acts like they're all that, usually kicking back and not participating in anything that's going on.
Yeah, he thought he was too cool for the room, but he really wasn't.
by claire o'smiley December 25, 2006
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Ciaran-“you seen Charles’ new instagram post
George-“yeah, he is too cool for school
by Zwest47 May 29, 2021
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A student who is so cool that he/she is beyond the competition of being cool. It was mentioned once in a very popular sitcom.
Sarah is always absent. She is too cool for school.
by purplepizza January 30, 2014
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Describes someone who states dislike of that which is popular or sucessful while supporting somehting more obscure in an attempt to appear "deep" or "in touch."
Jim doesn't like Aerosmith, he says that Stone Kotex is a much better rock band. He's just being too cool for the room.
by BoilerCharlie October 12, 2008
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