The best pencil used ever. Sharpens easily and writes amazing.
Sarah: Dude, is that a ticon?!
Emily: You bet it's a ticon, look at how sharp it is.
by EMZYyyyyyyyyy April 5, 2010
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A Dixon Ticonderoga Pencil. Some times known as a Dixon or Dicky Ticon, these are the best pencils on Earth. They are the reason why pencils in cartoons and artwork are yellow--because they are the only pencils in the world. You can snap a Ticon in half and put it back together again. The eraser works every time. It doesn't take two hours to manually sharpen, only to get a shitty point that barely shows up on paper.

Other models include the TRI-conderoga, which is a trianguar black pencil, sometimes called a "Stealth Ticon", the Noir, or "Shiny Ticon", which is a holographic one, The Recycled Tires Ticon, also called a "Stealth Ticon", the Mircoban Ticon, which is a pencil with a baby blue coloring that apparently kills germs with it's greatness, and the EnviroStiks, which is called the "Envi Ticon", which is just bare wood.
Dude: Aww dude, I need a pencil

Person: *Pulls out Ticon*


Person: Here, use my stealth ticon.
by cee-em-kay May 24, 2011
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an emoticon representing an emo kid's emotions. For instance:

=:-| Emo Kid Happy
#:-| Emo Girl Happy
=:-| Emo Kid Sad
#:-| Emo Girl Sad
=:-( Emo Kid When He Realizes His Parents Still Hate Him
The only proper way for EmoKid7432 to express his true feelings to his girlfriend EmoGirlWhiteStripes238 when he found out his parents still hated him was with an emo-ticon
by TommyOkktane December 29, 2004
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