defined as when are you getting some pussy, as told by Lou Williams on live Ustream
On Friday, I'm going to new york city to be getting thanksgiving from my friend Eva.
by BKaminsky August 18, 2009
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A feeling of regret, guilt, sadness, and remorse that you did not spend Thanksgiving like you wanted to or should have. This usually includes not having eaten enough, and craving and missing more Thanksgiving foods, drinks, and desserts.
Wow, I can’t beliebe I didn’t take home any leftovers. I really have Thanksgiving Day Remorse right now. I totally regret it!

I should’ve talked more with my grandma. I only see her a couple days a year. What Thanksgiving Day remorse.
by LingDanc803 November 23, 2018
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When another male fucks you in the butt using gravy as lube, and proceeds to cum in a bowl, mix the gravy, fecal matter, and semen together, and force feed it to you.
Man, that guy totally gave me the Thanksgiving Leftovers last night. It was so good.
by GHGHNBV March 26, 2016
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When your farts smell like shit because of an incomplete dump and you blast out the remaining parts in the shitter so now everyone is giving thanks!
This morning I had Thanksgiving leftovers because I missed my poop window yesterday!
by Ziggy BlacknWhite November 24, 2017
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When there is so much food left over that you have to spend the rest of the week finishing it off.
Mom made too much spaghetti, now we're going to have thanksgiving left overs.
by Banana 1 December 3, 2015
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When there is so much food left over from a meal that you spend the rest of the week finishing it off.
Mom made too much spaghetti, now we're going to have thanksgiving left overs.
by Banana 1 December 3, 2015
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When food is left over from a meal and there is so much of it that you spend the rest of the week eating just that.
Mom made too much spaghetti , now we're going to be having thanksgiving left overs.
by Banana 1 December 3, 2015
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