“Double it and give it to the next person” started off as a tiktok trend where the video creator would walk up to random people asking them if they want an amount of money (say $5), or if they’d rather “double it” (as in double the value) “or give it to the next person” (the next person the creator will choose for the video). So, if the first person declined and gave it to the next person, that next person would choose between $10 or passing it on. This would continue until someone chose to keep the money.
These videos evolved and creators used more ridiculous items instead of money, for example, hot dogs or something else that a person would clearly not want and thus would “double and give to the next person”. This is where the meme emerged.
Now, many people will comment “double it and give it to the next person” on tiktoks or reels to express that the video is describing a situation they would not want to be in. In other words, it’s another way of saying “I’d hate to be that guy”
These videos evolved and creators used more ridiculous items instead of money, for example, hot dogs or something else that a person would clearly not want and thus would “double and give to the next person”. This is where the meme emerged.
Now, many people will comment “double it and give it to the next person” on tiktoks or reels to express that the video is describing a situation they would not want to be in. In other words, it’s another way of saying “I’d hate to be that guy”
Man: “My wife cheated on me and is pregnant with his child, but I have to take care of the baby financially because he’s incarcerated.”
Commenter: “Double it and give it to the next person”
Commenter: “Double it and give it to the next person”
by peaceandlovexxx March 23, 2023
When someone looks like you copied them and pasted them and made them bestfriends. usually used towards white utah blonde girls.
Guy: hey jake did you see cates new tiktok with emma. they look like they just double it and pass it to the next person.
Jake: do they really look that similar?
Guy: yeah they're blonde white utah girls.
Jake: do they really look that similar?
Guy: yeah they're blonde white utah girls.
by tylersvelo January 5, 2023
That is the hottest girl I've ever seen. I would hit that so hard the next person to pull me out would be crowned King of England.
by AirRon October 11, 2007
fat shit with geek friends and dirty ass girlfriends, plays the computer 90% of his life, and uses his parents money to buy himself 'cool' clothes
by Anonymous June 14, 2003
by Dani sa November 24, 2020
Hym "Instead you're using it to recruit shills. They are necessarily the weakest people with the least integrity. You scoop yourself up a shill. The next person dies. Scoop up another shill. The next person stabbed up some people. 10 people die. Scoop up a shill. Bang bang bang. 12 people die. You scoop up another shill. You got a bucket of shills but every time you're reminded what you're doing you cry like a bitch. It's like you're trying to stop a flood but cupping your hands and sticking your arms out."
by Hym Iam December 16, 2024