
Someone who is just off in the head, acting as if they just dont have any sense whatsoever.
"Mane, that was just green" or "You are so green"
by Jahzara July 16, 2003
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the greens

The bad buzz you get from marijuana, basically when you get too high. Symptoms include severe anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, hunger, dehydration, severe cottonmouth, shallow breathing, nausea, vomiting, loss of common sense, feeling you've lost touch with reality, dizziness and impaired balance and going pale (or "going green"). Not the nicest.

The whole scenario is common amongst first-time users, lightweights and 12-year-old kids. Pure stoners even experience the greens now and again.
"Fucking hell, man, that is some brilliant blow".
"Yeah, just leave me for a minute".
"Fuck, he's going in the fetal position!".
"No, I'm fine, fine, fine!"
"Damn, brother got the greens".
by surfking September 1, 2009
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To smoke the first hit of fresh weed, therefore getting more THC into your system, and taking away the green hue of the weed.
Man pass me the bowl this time, you've been greening them all!
by ScotPollard13 December 23, 2005
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1) marijuana
2) money
3) when somebody is hatin or bein wrong
1) i smoked me some good green
2) homies always askin fo some green
3) that bitch is bein green
by omi da homie December 7, 2004
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The best mother fucking color in the damn crayon box
Bryan: "I need a crayon. Whatcha got?"
Patty: "Green"
Bryan: "Only crayon I wanted"

"Green: The ONLY color I wear"
by ::jenz0rz:: September 23, 2008
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1. Marijuana
2. Money
3. To be new at something
4. To feel like shit
Man, I just blew all my green on some green, but i'm green and now i'm feelin green. Possibly.
by Mr Bug November 15, 2006
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that's green

what you did or said is very wrong
you hit your own brother? that's green.
by Gregorie January 2, 2008
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