A little girl represented, considered and/or treated how one might otherwise have only treated a full grown woman.
At the child beauty pageant, she saw another magnificent baby woman.
by ApricotFields July 12, 2021
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A white woman who benefits from white privilege but through some vague means associates themselves with being a poc. Either by behavior or being able to check a non-white box.
Pete Davidson's type is a white woman of color.

Ex: Kim Kardashian, Ariana Grande, Halsey, a white Latina, a white North African Arab

"Is Michelle white? She has pale skin, light brown hair, and green eyes"

"No, I think her parents' are Turkish. So she can check off the Asian box. She is a white woman of color. "
by purpleplatypus1 May 26, 2024
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A fake Lesbo who actually wants to be a town bike with men but lies to you to get out of a relationship.
The Dirty Polish woman really did me badly I nearly broke her window
by DirtyPolishPerson August 4, 2022
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A woman what prioritize you lover, herself, children, family, husbank; the rest are invisible. A creepy doesn't exist for she.
A priority woman ignore or block everywhere a creepy what is disturbing too much in you social network
by barbaroja March 25, 2023
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Smart Slim Sixty or Seventy woman
Clothing for the 4S woman (or man) for correctness
by 4Sgent April 5, 2018
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The practice of worshipping the female body as a temple or deity. “Your body is a temple” or “you are a goddess” are womanist sayings
by Lil’ Isis January 12, 2020
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