To make an aside or remark; To talk at or about someone rather than to them. Occurs in groups. The statement generally has no depth of thought to it either.
Glen: "mumble mumble"

James: "Yeah, Glen tried to text me the other day, but it just didn't go through. He was kind of being a dumbass."
by ispeaktobirds February 26, 2013
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A form of low risk dating mainly used with youths in parts of Dublin. Where 2 teens will text eachother and have the sensation of dating without the commitment
"omigod sophie is texting Sean now" "no way Sean told me he was texting aoife!?" "omigod seans a little fuckboy"
by Tillybooxxxxx March 5, 2017
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A recently facinating type of communication by cellular devices that everyone; and I mean EVERYONE seems to be using. Apparently it's mentally &, physically addictive; much like sex....or Myspace. Mainly consists of a few shortened words that often have no meaning what-so-ever.
A texting conversation is usually somewhere along these lines:

"The Ceiling, You Fucktard."
"lyk omfg u dont got 2 b so bitchy"
"I Wouldn't Be, If You Learned To Use Proper English."
"fck u"
"Yeah, Up Yours!"
by xxbecca November 18, 2008
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I just got another text from him.
by nicole June 30, 2004
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1. Synonym for a book, typically one for learning purposes, but can stand in for any kind of book in general.
2. The characters that are displayed when one types a message on the computer be it letters, numbers, or symbols.
3. An alternate form of communicating on a cell phone by sending a SMS message to another cell phone. Typically used when it is an inappropriate time to speak on the phone (i.e. during work, a class, funeral, etc.)
1. Uggh, did you understand anything in text for English class?

2. I tried to read this guy's message on the debate forum, but the sheer amount of text turned away my interest.

3. Hey, did you recieve my text about the concert tonight?
by Dark. April 9, 2008
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To carry on a conversation via the sending (and receiving) of text messages. To partake in texting (not simply the sending of a text message) you must have an actual conversation with another, or multiple people, similar to an aim conversation. Texting is very convenient because you can communicate with another individual virtually anywhere at any time, and if you are stealthy enough no one will even know you are texting. Regular texters are silently bound to the rules of text etiquette.
I spent hours last night texting about The Lord of the Rings to my friend.

Kelly got her phone taken away in geometry when the teacher caught her texting.
by Anonymous130 June 12, 2008
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Dumbest shit ever, just call asshole.
Some dipshit was texting me about his whole weekend, it would have been a three minute phone conversation if he called.
by teabag September 12, 2007
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