Four brightly colored asexual creatures from the mythical land of tubbyland. Tubbyland is a wonderful and most beautiful land full of hills, rich green grass, flowers, an overpopulation of rabbits, and a sun with all the common characteristics of an infant. All of the teletubbies have what appear to be television screens on their bellies. They pick up transmitions from ethnic children from everywhere around the U.S., and they all have beer bellies, hence the name, "teletubbies". This show is best watched under the influence of marajuanna.

Tinky winky = The gender confused purple teletubby that is apparently the only post-pubesent teletubby . He sports a bright red purse and is quite the leader of the pack. He has an upside-down triangle on top of his head.

Dipsy = He is the second largest one, and green male of the group. He owns a rather pimp cowskin top hat, and his head-antenna thingy resemblesthat of an erect penis.

Laa-Laa = pronounced loh-loh as in the "o" sound in the word long is the largest female of them all and has a curly deal on her head. She is yellow, with a huge rubber ball that tends to entertain the group to a slobbery stupor until they are all fascinated by the physics of its spherical splendor.

Po = The short red one with the circle on her head. she often sounds as if she were high on helium. She owns 3-wheel scooter capable of speeds of 25 MPH or higher. It gets around 3 miles to the gallon, and has around 1 1/2 horsepower.

The noo-noo = The teletubbies enjoy consuming burnt toast and what looks like pink intestinal fluids called tubby custard. They then proceed to throw the pink goo on the floor along with the toast, as if it were an accident. Thats when the noo-noo comes in. The noo-noo is a vacuum cleaner that looks like snuffalupagus from sesame street. It proceeds to suck up all the rectal discharge that they call food, and the teletubbies scold and yell "bad noo-noo" repeatedly until it rolls on back to its hole in the wall.
Dude! did you catch the new episode of the teletubbies last night? It was the shit! dipsy knocked up po and tinky winky came out in front of laa-laa! aww DAMN it was a real twist.
by ashitoys March 29, 2007
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Sadistic show created for children whom are experimenting with mind trips.

Set in a green golf-course setting, there are 4 distinct inhabitants. Tinky Winki, Laa-Laa, Po, and Dipsy. These creepy ass names are just one of the manipulative ways the creator of the show uses to lure kids into watching these fucks. They run around all day playing ass-grab with each other speaking in some foreign language. There is some fucking wierd megaphone-like devices planted periodically throughout the field that transmits most of the sadistic orders that are commanded by the "man behind the curtain".

By day they worship a rising baby face in the sky.. this is their sun-god and they do everything that is commanded by thee. Miracles happen on a regular basis created by a magical windmill, this is also worshipped on a regular basis. By night comes a monstrosity otherwise known as "Noo-noo". This vacuum cleaner sucks in unsuspecting victims into it's death-trap and grinds them up into fertilizer for the golf-course.

This show is fucked up.
John : So.. I watched teletubbies today
Jane : So this mean you agree to the euthanization?
by Sleep Streamer September 7, 2007
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A TV show for children. But be forwarned because, title misleading, this show is NOT about fat people that can move objects with their minds. Instead of that fantastic idea for a show, the truth is that it's about four dome-dwelling anthropomorphic creatures that look like the unholy offspring of human, monkey, and felt. These horrendous characters bare the names of "Tinky-Winky", "Dipsy", "Laa-Laa", and "Po" (upon investigation, it has been found that Tinky-Winky is in fact homosexual. This was discovered by the fact that he carries a purse and has an upside-down triangle atop an antenna on his head). The show is about the immature adventures they have as a probable after-effect of the various psychedellic drugs they have, no doubt, ingested. They play in a grassy land where it is always spring, whilst narration is spoken in the background. The thing that freaks me out most is the sun. What's so freaky about a sun, you ask? Well for starters, the sun is nothing more than a yellow, projected baby's face. It's true. Need I say more? Probably, so I'll tell you this: if you ever feel the urge to watch this show, see a psychiatrist. If you're a child and you have an urge to watch Teletubbies, go ahead, it might be educational. On the other hand, it WAS created likely by speed addicts. Oh well.
Guy: "Hey, wanna watch Teletubbies?"
Guy2: "No way. That shit's for kids."
Guy: "Oh. Well lets get high and watch Speed Racer!"
Guy2: "Kay"
(Later that night the Teletubbies broke into their house and killed them, and no one cared because everyone knows Teletubbies is the ONLY show to watch while high!)
by Mbleh October 6, 2007
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A show rumored to be used as part of the repetoire of various torture methods at terrorist prison camps like "Gitmo" and Abu Ghraib. The hapless victim is tied to a chair while the show continuously plays on loop for a total of 72 hours consecutively with the volume cranked all the way. The subject usually breaks within 16 hours and is induced with severe symdromes of PTSD and dementia.
Teletubbies is an excellent torture method: kid-tested, mother-approved.
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Four colored freaks that have TVs on their stomachs and don't talk right

They also look at a fucked up baby head on a sun
The purple teletubbie is EXTREMELY fruity

Hey, look at that fucked up baby head from the crap TV show teletubbies
by 2cool4skool November 8, 2003
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