Somewhat graphiti. A way of signing your name anonomously. Sometimes people use random words, like Splat, or also symbols.
by Aminf April 3, 2007
"Tagging" or "Tagged" - When you have sex with a girl and then take a picture of her naked, then wait a few days and post it to Facebook and tag her and all your mutual friends.
Awesome party! who are you tagging tonight?" "Did you see the girl I just tagged" "Did hear about Rachel? She got tagged.
by Bruce & Jessie July 19, 2011
1. (VERB) THE ACT of performing simple graffiti using spray-paint (usually cheap) and stencils. Done quickly, usually in seconds. Usually during the day.
2. (VERB) THE ACT of performing any kind of graffiti.
3. (VERB) applying paint to any medium using stencils
2. (VERB) THE ACT of performing any kind of graffiti.
3. (VERB) applying paint to any medium using stencils
1. I thought the definition for tagging on urban dictionary really sucked.
2. I was tagging yesterday and got such a rush when I realized there was a camera right in front of me.
2. I was tagging yesterday and got such a rush when I realized there was a camera right in front of me.
by RCAmfer August 12, 2011
What spoilt people without talent, time and creativity do with expensive products bought by their parents money to feel hard and street credible. While actually diminishing the value, tolerance and funding of real street art.
by insanogeddon September 5, 2015
Usually occurring during a high school spirit week; the act of spraying and or painting underclass men with your class color.
(Todd walks down the hallway to second period)
Jim: Hey man, give me a hug *slap, smear*
Todd: Aww, this was a nice shirt man, asshole, stop tagging.
Jim: Haha, stupid freshie
Jim: Hey man, give me a hug *slap, smear*
Todd: Aww, this was a nice shirt man, asshole, stop tagging.
Jim: Haha, stupid freshie
by ThatCHSStudent September 22, 2011
An intense game that involves several people. The one who is "it" chases the other and touches them to transfer the "it" disease. THIS IS A GAME THAT SHOULD ONLY BE PLAYED BY THE MANLIEST OF MEN.
by SocialSellout October 10, 2018
A big pain in the ass. You need five of these things now, just to post a definition. Sometimes there just arent 5 relevant tags
Urban dictionary: Gimme 5 tags now!! *evil laugh*
Poor shepherd: "I dont want no trouble, mister. I just came to to submit a definition of gingham"
Poor shepherd: "I dont want no trouble, mister. I just came to to submit a definition of gingham"
by Dope Slanger December 9, 2005