
Gets all the pussy and fat ass with his sexy voice and extremely large penis
That Taggart Guy fucked me last night, his penis was so large!
by Call me danny March 21, 2017
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To move from a football program with terrific facilities to one with terrible facilities.
Will he Taggart from Oregon to Florida State.
by jurv2 December 6, 2017
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taggart....a scottish person.

taggarts....more than one scottish person.

(not to be confused with 'tag-nuts' which are small pieces of shit that stick to the hairs around your arse)
1st man..."who`s that pale ginger person over there, trying to stay out of the sun?"

2nd man..."Oh, it`s only a taggart waiting for the pub to open"
by Dr Fox May 8, 2007
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Taggart stands for being an androgynous person with an extremely small penis, that they hesitate for...
A lot of times, people are confused, as they can't find the difference between Taggarts and Faggots. Simply saying, it's the same shit.
A: Hey man, how are you doing?
B: I am a Taggart, please don't ask...
A: Oh, okay, I feel the depression indicator increasing.
B: *notification in his email: life subscription has been cancelled*
by moliata April 18, 2018
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is gay and likes big dick in his mouth most likely hit by a bus and is mentally and physically challenged
i am a taggart
by martiun April 5, 2017
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Drew Taggart

Drew Taggart also known as Andrew Taggart was born on December 31,1989.
He's in a music band called"the chainsmokers". Along with the bandmates Alex Pall and Matt McGuire.
Sometimes he's hot as fuck and sometimes he act like a 9 y/o . He's dating Chantel Jeffries. He's fucking talented and he has a really amazing voice. His bandmates calls him croakie and mountain drew.
Nickname: croakie, Andrew Taggart, mountain drew and drew Taggart (ofc)
by Sydney pall taggart mcguire November 7, 2020
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Laser Taggart

The art of a male (typically in his late teens or twenties) seeing and picking an attractive female located some distance away. Once the female target has been chosen, the male then sprints towards her, tackles her to the ground, and has his way with her.

Is named thus because it was invented during a game of laser tag. Also, it is important to note that in most countries, it is considered rape.
John: You see that hot girl across the courtyard?
Jude: Yeah.
John: I'm about to Laser Taggart the shit out of her!
by BradGibbons August 12, 2011
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