Take care or GTFO! A common phrase used by Blind users as your personal health is all they care about.
*Blind user 1 created a poll: What is the most prestigious prestige?
Blind user 2 (in the comment): TC or GTFO
Blind user 1: Thanks! I'll take care of myself 😊
by marseylover August 9, 2022
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Hey man, did you get any TC in V?
Yeah dude, last night with that girl was sick!
by BetaFish October 29, 2009
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A homosexual term where a man eats another mans ass out, spits inside of his asshole, and then jams his fist into his ass without warning all the way to the elbow
Gary could not sit in a chair for days because of the TC RUFFING that Mike pulled on him weeks ago.
by John Semarcus- U.K. March 28, 2003
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a term for rideing a donkey and then fucking the donkey in the asshole several times
one day tc ruffing was rideing a donkey and he got really horny so he stuck his tiny penis into the donkeys asshole several times
by tee-see-ruff-ing March 30, 2003
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man 1: dude youre scion tc sucks.
tyler: *sobs*
by fattony1994 October 19, 2011
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A high school everyone hates and is known to be worse than AC Reynolds high school
I fucking hate TC Roberson
by ACrocks June 24, 2020
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An organisation that ranks the 100 most beautiful/handsome faces in the world
TC Candler should've put you on the list
by blue waffles May 31, 2021
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