phrase used snyonymously with "cool" or "sweet." Made famous by the feature film: Cultural Leanings for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhastan
John: I finally found my phone!
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An event or product that attracts so much interest and attention that it exceeds its own sustaining capacity, resulting in the inability of the organization to respond to demand.
The new product was such a hit that the store ran out, resulting in angry crowds destroying the mall. It was a catastrophic success for the company.
by ohlms October 29, 2008
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The success of a pun is measured by the groan! This means that funny puns are applauded by derision.
The success of a pun is measured by the groan, if someone groans they will retell it to friends.
by I, Wreckerrr May 30, 2021
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An erection that occurs as a result of achieving some personal or professional successes.
Today I was offered a promotion at work. Totally walked out of the office with a raging success boner.
by Rrrrryyyyaaaaannnnnn March 1, 2012
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A troll who manages to succeed in their mission of drawing up a response from his victims. This is managed through a carefully measured combination of subtlety, blatant disregard for personal beliefs, and a strong desire to piss people off without making it obvious they are a troll.
90% of what is on Urban Dictionary was posted by successful trolls. People lose their heads over these definitions!
by Michael J. Crockett June 29, 2008
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Consolation success or a consolation achievement is when you put a lot of effort and concentration into achieving something or getting better at something, and only after you've tried for so long that you begin to give up, do things start to "work out" for you. Often, it is more of a slap in the face than a happy acquisition. The consolation comes in giving you your success only because you worked yourself so hard that you gave up and life begins to feel sorry for you. God's way of playing keep away perhaps.
"After so many years in the movie business and his involvement in tonnes of great films, Christopher Plummer only received his first oscar in 2012, at the age of 83. That consolation success must feel more painful than if he retired with no award at all."
by cursedkid March 31, 2013
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Illness suddenly afflicting colleagues who were passed over for a job they thought the deserved.
Succession Flus are seasonal, usually affecting people during yearly and mid year performance reviews.
- Did you see Lyndon this afternoon?

- No... He had to go home to recover from the succession flu.
- I guess I'll have to help Andy move to the corner office myself!
by Babs1960 September 18, 2013
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