
Someone who is so stressed out that they want to crawl into the fetal position and cry for their mama.
With all these shinanigans happening I am going to turn into a stressball.

Or She looks like a stressball!
by KelsoMcBeaverEater June 10, 2010
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When you are trying to have anal sex. You wait for you partner to be in the middle of passing gas to make insertion easier. At that point you insert your penis into the rectum. The increase in pressure causes your partners eyes to pop out like a stress ball
I need an optician after getting Stressballed last night
by bigmatis007 November 3, 2018
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Name given to the person (he/she) who has the ability to manage and/or occupy/juggle more than one stress ball at the same time. This uncommon ability allows the person to reduce his/her amount of stress by just playing with the balls.

The more balls the less stress.
Wow look at that guy, he really has all his stress under control. He is the King StressBaller!!
by The Definition Giver August 4, 2011
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DIY Stressball

Something you will spend hours watching other people make on YouTube, but will never actually make yourself.
I really want a DIY Stressball, but it's a lot of effort to make.
by KEMMA SLAY June 27, 2016
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