A term for a number of bad stuff that goes on on the streets of a large city such a homelessness,drive by shootings,gang war,police brutality,drug deals gone bad ect.
I moved out of the city bacause I'm tired of street shit.
by Deep blue 2012 February 6, 2010
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Stupid rookie tactics that experienced veterans in the game don't waste their time with. The mark of an amateur.
Barney: "Ho ho ho. Bye kids! That's all we have for today!"
Director: "Cut! Good job on the episode. See you all tomorrow."
Barney: "To hell with those fucking ankle-biters. I need a smoke like it ain't no thing. You got the mary jane?"
Big Bird: "Hell yeah ni'a I got a blunt that's fatter than a Tri Delt at a hot dog eating contest."
Barney: "Roll up that chronic, dogg."
Ernie: "This weed is brought to you by the letter M."
(Ernie takes a weak-ass hit, coughs like crazy, and doesn't inhale)
Big Bird: "WHAAAAT??? Get that sesame street shit out of here, fool. You don't even know how to smoke. And FUCK the letter M...I got this shit straight from SAMPSON, BEEITCH!"
by Nick D September 28, 2005
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"Well Cletus, seems were up shit creek without a paddle... "
"Yessir, and i reckon we're up shit street without a shovel..."
by Cerztyn February 6, 2016
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Where you are when everything has gone wrong!
Lost the big sale, and now we're up shit street!
by mahatmacoat99 November 2, 2015
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1) An unfavorable, inevitable situation which one will experience.

2) Brit slang for deep trouble.
Clyde: Man, finals are 2 weeks from now and I've yet to revise. I checked my notebooks and I barely have anything to go on.

Klause: Wow, man you were on shit street since the beginning of the semester.
by vv113 December 29, 2016
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Could also be referred to as shit creek
no surprise i'm on shit street/no surprise i'm up shit creek
by Listafsface January 7, 2016
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Not your wealthy class productions, but the product of the motivated, determinated, grit infused man or woman, noodle or cadet that makes what it is, work, in a without money, nkn-highclass scale.
Check about the man who turned toxicus poverty into a respectable position with his hustle and real street shit performance he did with that free piano he wheeled home off Facebook marketplace from the elderly widow's house --

Was she a black widow?
That's real street shit grammar, respect!
by LCATIGER July 25, 2024
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