Literally stocks but just pronounced so wrong and utterly retarded
A: "How much money you makin?"
B: "stonks"
by somerandomretard November 14, 2022
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Stonk=gud money:)
I hav gud Stonk in dogecoin.
by Galantisof312 October 5, 2021
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Stonk=gud money
Man 1: me got gud stonk in emerlds!
Man 2:Wow gud stonks!
by Galantisof312 October 5, 2021
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Name to call someone who has gone 3-22 in Valorant
OMG your only on three kills you Stonk
by Stonk_ March 2, 2021
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Just tag mirae stonks when CMSINFO is down 69%
by pinkysingh May 22, 2023
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