
The Guru of Love <3
-a person whom you can trust with nearly any information and count on to help you out of a difficult situation, she gives advice to help you avoid making a mess of your life and is basically the god of all things to do with love. she is is always looking out for your best interest. honesty is what shes gives.. even if it hurts to hear. she would stay up till 3 in the morning talking to you just to make sure you went to bed with a clear head and a smile on your face. shes always completely honest with her advice, even if it hurts to hear. thank god for all the stefi's.
stefi is the guru of all things involving love
by kdol5 May 2, 2011
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The greatest girl and best friend one could have in this world. The most extreme rarity of a person. *sidenote* EXTREMELY hot and SUPER sexy. She WILL make u want her so badly by just LOOKING at her.
Who's that sexy hotness over thurr?
--oh it's just stefy =P

Who's the best friend you could have?
--oh it's just stefy ;)
by 'kael ;) January 9, 2005
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A generally kick-ass girl. Normally in a sweet, caring way, as opposed to the literal ass-kicking givers.
adam: wow, that girl is a real stefie. she rules my world man.
by danjc2 October 5, 2008
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Stefis, AKA Stefnuts, Stefan, Rat, Snake. Stefis a man stoic man, very honourable and the goat @Fornite
Lil Stefis climbed his way up to the head of Krneta Building Surveyors
by Stefanovic June 13, 2018
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Stefi's day

30-4 dia internscional de regalarle algo a tu stefi
Ey! Hoy es el stefi's day
Que le vas a regalar a tu stefi?
Un puzzle de mil piezas, y tu?
Un colgante vacilon para mi stefi
by Pizzamansaid445 April 23, 2020
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stefi is a great person within SF and is a great BXO within 1st Brigade.
Stefi is a great BXO in SF.
by May 25, 2021
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Stefi is my girlfriend
by bighighschoolstudent January 6, 2022
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