The sound a penis makes when it slaps someone on the forehead.
Grifter splapped Blackrose when he was in Texas, while she was DJing.
by Candi Apple March 31, 2009
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A confection comprised of chocolate, caramel and biscuit, characterised by its 'big lump' shape.
Holy crap guys, I'm hungry for some splap.
by Man-Hank April 26, 2008
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The noise of a turd emitted by the anal cavity of any fat person hitting the toilet water, creating splashback.
I can hear Laura splapping from here!

Laura does enjoy a good splap.


I have splapped everywhere.

Laura splaps three times a day.

Laura smells a bit splappy.
by Splap-master Splap February 1, 2009
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The act of ejaculating into a hand and then slapping someone across the face with it.
by THe NoMaD May 1, 2015
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Splap meaning “Shit” in other words, is the wetter version of poop that ends up splatting all over the bowl. Usually smelling worse.
I just took a big fat Splap, it went everywhere this time.
by Kimbayung January 7, 2023
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