Synonym for hammered or smashed. Meaning to get high and/or drunk to an extended degree and affected by drugs to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour.
Origin: just made it up when chatting to some gal whom I thought was speshed
Origin: just made it up when chatting to some gal whom I thought was speshed
by mr_chucky1 May 21, 2017
Get the spesh mug.
by XBX March 28, 2005
Originally obtained from wrestling and Tony Hawk video games, when a wrestler/skater does a series of standard moves correctly in a row, they go into "special" mode, where they pull off extraordinary, jedi-like moves.
In real life, going into "spesh mode" means that you are going above and beyond the call of duty, with little regard to your own saftey, welfare, and social stature, for a good laugh or a good time.
It also remains popular in the world of video games, where you can "uberspesh" and "blink yellow" while beating someone's ass.
In real life, going into "spesh mode" means that you are going above and beyond the call of duty, with little regard to your own saftey, welfare, and social stature, for a good laugh or a good time.
It also remains popular in the world of video games, where you can "uberspesh" and "blink yellow" while beating someone's ass.
Jonesy was speshin' so fucking hard on the dance floor last night. He did the Sprinker, riding the lawnmower, the Electric Slide, and even followed it with a pants-splitting "flying V."
Even though he was in spesh mode, he still didn't get any pussy.
Even though he was in spesh mode, he still didn't get any pussy.
by Jonesy420 May 17, 2006
by GRIFFISYOURDADDY April 21, 2004
Mainly used to mock articles or humans who are challenged, in any way whatsoever. A 'v v' prefix can be used to accentuate speshness.
by Lozza & Queen of the F**king universe March 8, 2003