A combination of the words slow and bloody. Sounds like study but with a L in place of the T.
"That poor man died a sludy death!"
"Gosh, butchering that deer was a sludy process!"
by HuffyKing June 5, 2020
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To make an attempt at last minute studying before a test in vain, mainly bacause you are falling or have already fallen asleep. Most sludying occurs on a transit commute or during homeroom.
I don't understand why i failed that test! I stayed up late playing WoW all night, but i was sludying all morning!
by cmdtrigun March 28, 2007
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yall know the driiillll

guilty of sleeping while studying
John: "Ay Travis did you read the chapters for today?"

Travis: "Mayneee, i started to but then I spent like 3 hours sludying. So.....no. "
by El-traaaain March 29, 2010
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