“What’s your real name?” “Slater”
by foreigner foreigner foreigner June 1, 2020
by Johny apples July 6, 2009
The major stoner guy in the movie "Dazed and Confused." He is seen throughout the movie as a teenager that is mostly high all the time.
by FatFarhad December 9, 2007
An extremely awesome way to poop. You sit backwards so your legs are spread wide. It may take some adjustment, but it provides an amazing bathroom experience! Always be sure to go forward enough so you don't unintentionally crap on the ground! Most toilet seats are meant for people facing forward, but you might need a custom made toilet seat! Slatering can be extremely hazardous as falling backwards while dumping may occur.
WOW!!! Slatering that toilet was the best bathroom experience I've ever had! Next time, I'm going to slater the toilet again! Also, I'm going to get a finely crafted, custom toilet seat just for slatering!
by person who loves slatering :) March 24, 2011
Friend 1 - My wife is unwell and I am really concerned.
Slater - Did you try turning her off and back on?
Word Usage in this scenario: Don't be a fucking slater
Slater - Did you try turning her off and back on?
Word Usage in this scenario: Don't be a fucking slater
by Cryptic007 June 3, 2019
Based on the lovable, Hispanic singlet-wearing character from 'Saved By the Bell' AC Slater, this term is commonly used during the dead heat of summer to express to someone else that the air conditioning, or 'A.C.', needs to be turned up. Referring to air conditioning using this term rather than 'A.C.' not only gets the point across about the current conditions of your house or apartment, but it also reminds you that you need to do a couple of sets of dumbbell curls while wearing abnormally tight clothing.
'Bro, it's muggy in here, I'm getting some major swamp-assage. Turn up the slater!'
'Alright, Broseph. That reminds me, after I provide this area with the necessary amount of slater, I'm going to go do some reps in my room, wanna join?'
'Alright, Broseph. That reminds me, after I provide this area with the necessary amount of slater, I'm going to go do some reps in my room, wanna join?'
by xBobX May 12, 2009
by yourmomsoldsocks November 13, 2017