1. A polite and well meaning colloquialism used to express agreement with a cohort. (This phrase entered american vernacular when famed celebrity/artist/rapper/pornographer/movie star Snoop Dogg started using it and other words containing the suffix "izzle" or "izzy.")

2. To aquiesce to or agree with a proposition or idea offered by an affable peer.
My Boy D-Bo axed me if I was going to the game tonight... I said "Fo' Shizzle my nizzle" in the pitch of a tenor.
by Barry February 12, 2004
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Fo shizzle my nizzle translates to For sure my nigger, which translates to "Ok" in white language.
Steve: Hey you wanna go grab some KFC?
Marquis: Fo shizzle my nizzle!
Steve: I'm no nigger!
by Adam! At The Disco December 21, 2005
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1. affirmative; For sure, ma nigga

not necessarily in any racial context.
From a branch of urban (American) slang which adds 'izz' or varients of (ie izzle/izzo) to words to create a more rhyme like 'melody' to sentences.
kid 1: "It's late, I'm heading back to the hizzous... you stayin?"

kid 2: "fo' shizzle my nizzle"
by theJudge August 9, 2003
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slang for "for sure my n*****"
Tyler: do you wanna go to the movies tonight?

Lydian: fo shizzle my nizzle
by Lydian Beck April 9, 2008
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