a combination of the the words she and him used for a single sylable word that refers to a hemaphrodite or one with a genetic disorder resulting in having three chromosomes such as Klinefelter syndrome
the shim shaved his/her face while putting on a bra and his/her make up.
by Jerry daniel lavender November 8, 2006
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Chaz Bono, Sonny and Cher's daughter/son aka shim, star of dancing with the stars.
by Seperaph October 12, 2011
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A "female" with extremely manly features including body hair, flat chest, beard, mustache...etc. A very gruesome sight and should not be allowed to wear anything other then a full set of clothes (sweater, sweatpants)..no bellyshirts. A Shim also possesses the manly features of height and width.. averaging 200+ pounds and measuring in at a stunning 6+ feet.
WOw that one girl staci in our school looks like a shim dude. thats crazy.
by LL_coolJ February 2, 2006
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Shim is everybody's friend. She is butch. I crave her!
I never got to ask Shim but she'll probably be there.
by ^&/ March 3, 2007
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Shim (pronounced Shee-m) is a word used by drunken American girls when everyone else is speaking Spanish. It is often accompanied by a shrug of the shoulders, and generally means "Ok, Its alright with me" or "I dont know" depending on the context. It really can mean anything you want. Its actually one of the most important words in the English language. You dont know Shim? Whats wrong with you!!!
"Do you want to go the direction of the bustling market sounds"
"Shim" (Accompanied by shoulder shrug)

"Did you get rowdy at Kika last night"
"Shim" (Accompanied by wink)

"Donde esta le telo"
by DondeEstaLeTelo August 22, 2009
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Short for Shimmy. Used at the end of a sentence to indicate what was said was either really stupid or out-there.
'Man your mums so fat, SHE ate ME! Shim.'
by Baron Von Redbeard September 10, 2008
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A female and a male combined. Calling someone a Shim means they are transgender.
stfu you shim.
by RogueUser May 23, 2020
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