The ridiculing posture by an overtly-animated prantsing gay person, that is aiming to reconstructing the way he/she just handed you your own ass (no pun).
"Even the gays nowadays make Chuck Norris look like a candy floss machine."

"haha.....even the homos are tough in the hood E. They will whoop your ass then pull some kind of Shame Posturing dance move after it's all over, as we can clearly see."
by Tyrfingr August 31, 2011
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When you tape open someone's ass cheeks and fire hot sauce soaked darts into their asshole while shaming them.
I can't wait for the week to be over to get some Shaming Annie in. Her pooper's gonna blush.
by GP916 September 3, 2022
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The physical and emotional reaction to doing something particularly shameful.
"What's a 'shame attack?' Like what happens after you do something particularly shameful ... like getting shot down by a 34-year-old."
by goirish1986 August 25, 2011
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A bowel movement on an exposed toilet with no stall. Typically perfomed by men at sporting events or in jail.
Doug shit his pants rather than take the Crap of Shame at a football game with his pals.
by BigPmpn March 22, 2014
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The act of shaming someone for having emotions. Also known as emotional abuse. Never do this, just don't, especially parents and partners. Just because you don't feel doesn't mean you have to make others shameful of being human.
Person 1: my bf broke up with me!

Person 2: haha, you're so dramatic! Why don't you post some pity parties on twitter?

Person 1: hey, that's Emotion Shaming. I'm not your friend anymore.
by Local_eldritch_gryphon April 24, 2021
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When someone make fun of your code or your programming skills.
- HAHAHAHAHA your code is total bullshit my cat can do a better code.
= don't code-shame me

by Werbzzz September 28, 2022
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When someone make fun of your code or your programming skills.
- HAHAHAHAHA your code is total bullshit my cat can do a better code.
= don't code-shame me

by Werbzzz September 28, 2022
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