A nickname given to a person for their amazing ability to "blend in".
I can't even find you!! You blend in like a shadow!
by Mr.AmazingAwesomeMan September 6, 2012
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Shadow: The Ultimate God of the universe. Battling every fighter who stands in his way. Rumour has it that he has a massive following on YouTube!
Beth: Are you friends with Shadow?
Alligator: Yeah bro. He is sick!
Beth: No way bro!
by Shadow, The black Pokemon November 25, 2018
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Most fucking badass, sexy, hottest hedgehog to ever be introducted in pixels. Shadow, also known as the Ultimate Lifeform, was created by a scientist over 50 years ago. An Artificially-Processed Transgenic African Pygmy Hedgehog with Black Arms DNA just screams hotness. The most popular Sonic the Hedgehog character. 1/10 Shadow fangirls can't write a complete sentence. I'm one of the few that can.
"My name is Shadow the Hedgehog. The world's Ulimate Lifeform."


Intelligent Fangirl: Oh my fucking god. Shadow is SO hot. I have his pictures all over my wall. I'm not OBSESSED or anything, but GOD. I LOVE THAT HEDGEHOG SO MUCH. If only he were real!
by xHazelEyesx April 3, 2009
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A person who regularly sticks along when smoking weed but rarely ever drops bags or fade. The marijuana free-loader.
1. "Wow, he's always hanging out with us but he never helps pay for trees, fucking shadow."

2. "You got five on it?" "Nah, I'm gonna have to be shadow for today."
by maybelater February 22, 2010
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I've come to make an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was THIS BIG and I said "That's disgusting." so I'm making a call-out post on my Twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife, so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth! That's right, this is what you get! My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on THE MOON! How do you like that Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours until the piss droplets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too.
How can you I've come to make an announcement, Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch ass motherfucker he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog fucking quill-y dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was THIS BIG and I said "That's disgusting." so I'm making a call-out post on my Twitter dot com. Shadow the Hedgehog you got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except way smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all points, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong! He fucked my wife, so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth! That's right, this is what you get! My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth. I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on THE MOON! How do you like that Obama? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours until the piss droplets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight before I piss on you too
by Cleo130 May 30, 2019
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A type of person who will copy a person who is more successful than they are
Jake paul is Logan paul's shadow on vine
by Memes4lifeeee August 25, 2017
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