This is a Woman well past her prime of being a Puma or even a Cougar. They lurk just before dusk in huge groups drinking Cosmopolitan after Cosmopolitan. They are looking for any form of action and are no stranger to the chase. They typically wear gray and white fur coats, have way to much gold jewelry, and wear more make up than Bozo the clown. If one of them approaches you quickly point her in the direction of the nearest early bird dinner and run for your life. These are the worst of bar patrons as they have nothing to lose and have heard it all.
by Avran LeFeber June 30, 2006
A Sabre Tooth is a cougar past her prime but still hunting for that younger man. Cougar is 35-49 years old while a Sabre Tooth is 50+. She is more likely to have multiple houses (from previous marriges), to buy you drinks, and driving a vet.
by DeathByMullet May 18, 2009
An woman who is angry and vicious, who is known for occassional outbursts of rage. Scary. On occassion one fears for their life.
Frank: I went to this break up support group, and it seemed like I was in a sabre tooth watering hole. Totally scary to think of waking up every morning with one them.
Frank's Dad: Yea, it gave me a queasy feeling when I was marrying your mother and the preacher ended with his line: "death do ya part", and I looked at her and ....
Frank's Dad: Yea, it gave me a queasy feeling when I was marrying your mother and the preacher ended with his line: "death do ya part", and I looked at her and ....
by mlhiss March 28, 2008
Ladonna tried to trade her husband in for a younger version but she had unknowingly become a sabre tooth tiger.
by The Ray-Jay combo September 7, 2011
Did you see how old the woman Rick went home with was? Fuck, I swear, she was a sabre-toothed cougar!!!
by Mortimer Overhill October 18, 2011
by mrbearsh May 30, 2009
Instead of a 30 year old man dating a cougar who is 44 years old. A 30 year old man dating a sabre' tooth tiger who is fifty five.
by lesshizzle May 11, 2011