A totally useless trucking company that hires only retards and unskilled drivers who usually fuck up so bad that they bring shame to the trucking community.
acronyms for S.W.I.F.T
1. See What I Fucked up Today
2. Sure Wish I Finished Training
3. So What If I Fuck Toddlers
4. T.F.I.W.S that's SWIFT backwards for Two Fags In A White Semi
by Blue Koi September 16, 2013
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by WHITE STALLION JACE October 18, 2017
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The Swift

A sickness caused by over consumption of Taylor Swift music. Symptoms include: Tears, over exuberant joy, anxiety, dizziness, shortness of breath, personality change.
May cause you to become bedridden for an undetermined amount of time. Treatments are yet to be discovered.
Sorry, can't chill, I've got The Swift
by Krispee September 13, 2010
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Man, that's swift!
Greer said the swiftest thing the other day.
by Chavalavadingdong May 9, 2005
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To write a song about someone who broke up with you much like Taylor Swift
(Person 1) John broke up with Lucy

(Person 2) Man she is so going to SWIFT him

(Person 1) I know she is probely SWIFTING him tonight at the show

(Person 2) man she probely all ready SWIFTED him!!!!
by ThatMusicGroup5 April 12, 2015
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To be in a short and unsatisfying relationship with Taylor Swift, only to have a write an insulting song about you after you break up.
Person 1: Did you hear? Harry Styles and Taylor Swift just broke up! He's totally about to be swifted!!

Person 2: Really? I guess he's about to join the ranks of Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhaal, John Mayer, and all those other poor fools who got caught in the witch's trap.

Person 1: Wow, maybe she's the problem.

Person 2: It doesn't matter to her since she gets paid for every guy she swifts
by PeePeePooPooShire January 9, 2013
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In reference to a person who is well-dressed. Saying that someone looks swift is the same as saying they look sharp, suave, or classy.
In his German-chocolate-colored suit, Leon Phelps looked swift.
by Fog City October 11, 2007
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