A game in which 5 or more men sit at a round table naked and a woman is placed under the table. The woman then picks which cock to suck. Then the men try to guess who is getting the blow job.
They were playing BJ Roundtable and it was completely noticable that Ron was getting the blow job.
by MonsterMax November 27, 2010
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A phenomenon that occurs in restaurants, most frequently at midmorning on a Sunday. A typical Algonquin Roundtable will consist of at least 3 elderly couples, preferably 5 or more. They will be seated as follows: all men on one side of the table, all women on the other side, each person facing his or her spouse. They will have all just come from church services, and will be dressed in their (often very loud) Sunday best. In addition, one of them, almost always a man, will be speaking so loudly and authoritatively that he dominates all conversation, not only at the table, but in the entire room.
We had to wait awhile for a table at IHOP because an Algonquin Roundtable was in progress.
by uwg April 27, 2008
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A ritual resembling a common circle jerk. However it becomes an Algonquin Roundtable when you jerk off the person to your left, and the initiator of the roundtable wears a ceremonial headdress
"I've been appointed chief at the Algonquin Roundtable, better clean my headdress."
by cuntgrinder October 11, 2016
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men handling their hammers surrounding each other, in other words a "circle jerk"
yea, we all met at brian's house downstairs at the blacksmith's roundtable.
by Big Daddy Fatsacks May 16, 2006
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Getting the OG 6 of the PGS together and smoking at least one fat blunt, a couple bowls and a cross joint. Then we indulge on deep conversation and various fast foods.
clay: "6 point roundtable at my house, be there in 10 min"
kaleb: "aight bra, be there ASAP"
by kjrocha91 December 30, 2011
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